um ... a blog of things seo
Are they just blog-roll?
Published on April 26, 2004 By Blogamania In Websites
Well, what do you think? Are blogs just Blog-roll? The place on the internet to facilitate the virtual cleansing of the mind with an endless stream of dysmorphic thoughts farted out in a spatter of non-creativity?

on Apr 26, 2004
maybe. who wants to know?
on Apr 27, 2004
Gosh! Philosophers could write books about that: "Maybe. Who wants to know?"
An esoteric statement filled with emotion, yet veiled in shrouded vagueness and feigned disinterest. Cool.
on Apr 30, 2004
Blogamania~I truly believe a blog can be both creative and cathartic big time. I mean, not to judge anybody harshly here? But I am more likely to read and comment on a blog if it has a certain amount of word play to it~and I am especially fond of intelligent humor. Sir Peter Maxwell is a master at this. Many foks don't care for his content or style, but he does have his quite loyal (and brave) readers also. In fact, I am one myself.

I speak in several voices in my blogs. One day I will be slightly intellectual (a pseudointellectual? .). Another day I will be as silly and sassy as a precocious twelve year old (too many years ago to count). I tend to write mostly tongue-in-cheek humor, and my readers seem to favor those blogs most. However, I will write the odd political piece (recently wrote one all about George W. Bush), and receive some rather fierce comments from unfriendly conservatives big time. I also am a poet. But due to a bit of a dry spell, have only posted one of my immortal poems so far. So what's the point to all my rambling here, huh? . I believe a blogger can be wildly creative, and try on many different masks, and speak in several different voices~and it becomes a most enjoyable thing in the end for the blogger and the reader both.

Are you new here? I haven't noticed your blogs before. You write extremely well, and I especially like this idea you just came up with for this really cool blog. Thank you for doing this. I enjoyed commenting on the topic here a lot. Please feel free to check out some of my own blogs, huh? But please don't make the mistake that a few other folks have sadly made when they interpreted my words literally. I am more into style than content per se. So an article seemingly about George Bush might truly be more about how folks sometimes abuse vulnerable people with their very sharp and dangerous tongues, and not have anything at all to do with that swell fellow in the White House. Thanks again!
